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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-11-11
    The glass partition is used to distinguish the indoor space facade. The one extending from the ground to the ceiling is called the high partition, and the one not reaching the ceiling, that is, the one not reaching the top, is called the low partition, which is somewhat like a screen. Do you know that glass partitions are also divided into single and double partitions? Now, the manufacturer of high compartment in Jinan will explain it to you.
    Glass partition is generally divided into single glass partition and double glass partition. The basic structure of single glass partition is a partition wall composed of single layer glass and aluminum metal profiles, which has good space and low cost.
    The basic structure of double glass partition is a partition wall composed of double glass and aluminum metal profiles, which is firm and durable, with a stronger sense of integrity. In addition, various shutters are added between the double glass to achieve more effects.
    However, whether single glass or double glass, their common features are good lighting, sound insulation, fire protection, environmental protection, easy installation, reusable, maintenance free, etc. So how to choose partitions? In fact, it is mainly based on the use of your office space. For example, the general manager's office and the financial office can choose high partitions according to the functional needs of the office space.
    The common use areas of partition wall products can be considered as follows:
    1. Conference room, negotiation room, design room and other similar areas
    The type with rungs can be selected, and the double-sided tempered glass is composed of 5mm+5mm. Because the sound insulation coefficient of such combination is very high, it meets the requirements of quiet and interference free in the above places. The rung design can reflect the atmosphere and stable effect.
    2. Chairman's Office, General Manager's Office and other similar areas
    The built-in shutter can be selected, and the double-sided tempered glass is composed of 5mm+5mm. Because the sound insulation coefficient of such combination is high, it meets the privacy requirements of the above places. The built-in blinds also add the function of communication with the external environment, which is more friendly.
    3. Large office areas and similar areas
    The spacious and bright working environment reflects the modern atmosphere and management style, and the mutual communication between employees will greatly improve their work efficiency and satisfaction. Therefore, single side glass and double side glass can be selected.
    Here are the key points of understanding of single glass and double glass partitions. If you need to purchase and install this product, welcome to our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn Pay attention to contact, and someone will serve you wholeheartedly!



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