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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-06-26
    How to Choose Tempered Glass Doors
    1. Tempered glass is different from ordinary glass, and there will be colored stripes of blue light on the surface of tempered glass, which cannot be confirmed without careful consideration. Therefore, when choosing tempered glass doors, you can place them in sunlight and observe them from the side. If you see colored stripes, it is tempered glass, otherwise it is ordinary glass.
    2. By touching the surface of tempered glass with your hand and relying on a certain feeling, you can also know the authenticity of tempered glass. It is mainly based on whether the surface of tempered glass is concave and convex, whether there are small arcs on the longer edges, and whether there are cracks on the surface to determine whether it is tempered glass. As long as the surface is convex and slightly curved, it indicates tempered glass.
    3. Generally speaking, after treatment, tempered glass forms a protective layer on its surface, which can effectively protect tempered glass, making it hard, smooth, and not easily broken. If the surface of the selected tempered glass is found to be rough, it indicates that there is a quality issue.
    Precautions for maintenance and installation of Jinan glass doors
    1. Before installing the glass door, it is necessary to check whether the door and window leaves are flat, and whether the reserved holes are complete and accurate. If they do not meet the requirements, they should be corrected first.
    2. The steel frame and door leaf glass of the device should be fixed with steel wire clamps at a distance of no more than 300mm, and there should be no less than two on each side. It is also possible to apply a putty surface layer on the steel wire clamps to add sealing.
    3. If fixed with putty, the putty should be filled and polished. If using a rubber pad, it should be embedded first and fixed with pressure strips and screws.
    4. If using pressure strips for fixation, usually add pressure strips on the four sides or two ends and seal them with sealant.
    5. The various auxiliary materials of the device should comply with the planning requirements and relevant regulations.
    6. When assembling colored glass and ground glass, they should be in line with the planning drawings and should not be misaligned, skewed, or loose. The orientation of the glass should meet the planning requirements.
    7. After installation, do a good job of cleaning.
    That's all for the selection and installation of tempered glass doors. We hope to provide you with good help. For more information, please visit our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn consulting service
    下一篇: 上一篇:中空百葉玻璃隔斷的組裝步驟



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