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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-10-21
    When the induction door is used in the automatic induction state, it is not allowed to place some moving (or moving when the wind blows) things within the detection range of the door's induction head, which will easily cause the false movement of the induction door. What should the Jinan induction door be like in the normal state? The following is a brief introduction.
    1. When a person walks to the sensing door from the outside or inside of the door at normal speed, the sensing door should open automatically, and the action of the sensing door should be smooth without collision; After the sensing door is opened, the sensing door should remain open when the person passes through the sensing door slowly at a speed of about 150 mm-200 mm per second.
    2. When the personnel leave the sensing area of the inductive door sensor, the inductive door will automatically close after a delay of 1-10 seconds (the length of time can be set by the switch parameters of the inductive door), and the action of the inductive door should be smooth without collision.
    3. The observer's normal walking route through the sensing door requires that the daily walking route be adjusted so that the person is facing the sensing door, rather than walking to the sensing door at a certain angle.
    4. When walking to the sensing door, the sensing width range of the sensing door sensor should be greater than the width of the fully opened door.
    5. If the induction door is equipped with an auxiliary light sensor (infrared radiation protection device), when the door is opened, people stand still and block the auxiliary light sensor with their hands, and the door should remain open. The door should be closed again within a few seconds of the hand leaving.
    Ensure the safe and reliable operation of the sensing door. Users or sensing door managers need to carry out necessary operation inspection and maintenance of the sensing door on a daily basis, so that they can find special personnel to carry out, so that no problems will occur. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn Consult!



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