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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-09-19

    When installing Jinan glass door, first understand the components of the door and the type of the door. The components of the door are the door cover, the door leaf, the door lock, the hinge and the door contact. According to their functional classification, they include the swing door, sliding door, folding door, arc door, etc. Now let's talk about the specific steps!
    1. Positioning and setting out: the glass door shall be positioned uniformly by combining fixed glass and movable glass door leaf.
    2. Install the limit slot on the top of the frame: the width of the limit slot shall be greater than 2-4mm for the glass thickness, and the depth of the slot shall be greater than 10-20mm. During installation, first pull out two metal trim panel edges from the drawn line, and then install the limit slot on the top of the door frame according to the side line.
    3. Install metal facing at the bottom of the wood: first fix the square wood on the ground, and then stick the metal facing to the wood with glue. The square wood can be directly nailed to the pre embedded wood brick, or fixed by expansion bolts.
    4. Install the vertical door frame: connect the center line of the bullet to the door frame, and then use plywood to determine the shape and position of the door frame column, and then wrap the metal decorative surface.
    5. Installation of glass: use a glass suction cup machine to suck in thick glass, then hold the suction cup to lift the thick glass plate by 2-3 people and move it to the installation position.
    6. Fixed glass: there are two small square wooden strips at the bottom and side of the wooden block, the thick glass is clamped on the middle door, and the square wooden strip is about 4mm from the surface of the glass plate, and then apply universal glue on the square wooden strip to stick the pasted metal on the square strip.
    7. Injection moulded glass seal: enter the glass seal at both sides of the top limit slot and the bottom bracket, as well as the gap between the thick glass and the frame column.
    8. Butt joint between glasses: When the fixed part of the glass door needs to be spliced in large size, the joint width should be 2-3mm, and the glass plate edge should be chamfered.
    9. Installation of movable glass door: before installing the door leaf, the grounding spring and the locating pin on the top surface of the door frame shall be positioned and installed. Both must be coaxial. During installation, the vertical line shall be used to check to ensure that the center line of the grounding spring shaft and the locating pin is on the same straight line.
    10. Installation of upper and lower door clips of glass door leaf: install upper and lower metal door clips at upper and lower ends of glass door, and measure the door height.
    It should be noted that before starting all the installation steps, it is necessary to ensure that the interior decoration and other processes of decoration are basically completed before the completion of construction, and the alignment should be strictly in accordance with the design drawings. More relevant content will come to our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn Consult!



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