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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-06-08
    Although we are not unfamiliar with glass doors, once glass doors have problems, the impact will be very large and can not be used reasonably. Therefore, the application of glass doors is not simple. We need to master some key points. Let's have a look!
    1. When someone leaves the sensing area of the sensing glass door sensor, the sensing glass door will automatically close after a delay of 1-10 seconds (the length of time can be set by the parameters of the sensing glass door switch), and the sensing glass door will move smoothly without collision.
    2. The opening width of the glass door can be adjusted separately, and the opening width can be set to the full opening or partial opening width.
    3. When the emergency stop button is pressed, the motor circuit is cut off and the automatic induction door stops. At this time, the door can be pushed manually.
    4. The program switch is set at the "automatic" or "partially open" position: when someone or object enters outside the sensor sensing area, the door will open automatically. After the opening pause time, the door leaf will close automatically.
    5. When a person moves to the sensing door from outside or inside the door at normal speed, the sensing glass door automatically opens, and the sensing glass door moves smoothly without collision; After the inductive glass door is opened, when someone passes through the inductive glass door at normal speed, the inductive glass door remains open.
    6. When the door leaf of Jinan glass door is opened to the required partial opening width, turn the program switch to the "partial opening" position. At this time, the door leaf stops, the system stores the partially opened door leaf, then the door leaf slowly opens to the fully open position, and the rear door leaf automatically closes during the opening pause time. The sensor door will perform a partial open function.
    7. The program switch is set to "automatic", "one-way opening" or "partial opening": when someone or object enters the sensing area, the door will open automatically. After the opening pause time, the door leaf will close automatically.
    8. In order to observe the normal walking route through the glass door in Jinan, adjust the daily walking route to the direction of the sensing glass door to the person, rather than a certain angle of the sensing glass door.
    The above content introduces 8 key points for using Jinan glass doors. We hope you can firmly grasp these 8 key points when using them and help you. For more information, please follow our website www.jnkdblgd Learn about consulting. Com!



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