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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-29
    The difference between partition and partition wall is not only the difference of this word, but also many different functions. Each has its own characteristics and different needs. What is the difference between partition walls and partitions? Partition walls differ from partitions in that:
    The degree and characteristics of partition and partition space are different.
    Partition walls are usually topped. The space is completely divided into two parts, separated from each other without connection, and doors are set on the partition wall when necessary.
    The partition can reach the top or not. The space seems to be divided, which can penetrate each other. The line of sight can not be blocked. Sometimes there are doors and sometimes there are door openings, which are flexible.、
    The flexibility of partition and partition disassembly is different.
    The partition wall is generally fixed after setting.
    Jinan glass partition manufacturers remind that most partitions can be moved or disassembled, and the space can be divided or closed.
    Partition wall belongs to the category of indoor non load-bearing partition wall, which is an important part to complete the layout and separation of most indoor structures. Partition generally refers to low partition, which is used to separate some areas, but not completely.
    The structural components of the partition wall have three remarkable characteristics of standardization, serialization and generalization, so as to ensure the function and quality of the wall. Half wall plus screen as partition: if the living room and study are completely separated by a sandwich wall (partition wall), the space will feel cramped. The partition method of half wall and half screen will be adopted, and the effect will be much better.
    It not only has a certain sense of permeability, but also plays a due role of partition. The modular partition wall is used for indoor partition, and usually needs to be firmly connected with the top, ground and other walls. It should meet the requirements of high-rise fire protection, seismic grade, side impact resistance, long-term use, elegance and beauty, re assembly and disassembly, indoor environmental protection, etc. it is a truly professional indoor non load-bearing partition wall.
    The above is the difference between partitions and partitions explained by Jinan glass partition manufacturer. If you have other content to learn, you can follow our website www.jnkdblgd Com.
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