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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-04-04
      Ji 'nan glass partition is convenient to install, the decorative effect is good, can create a bright indoor environment, it is the new favorite of many families and offices design, favored by owners and designers, so ji 'nan glass partition has what kind of practical use?
      From the perspective of preventing light pollution. Light pollution refers to the phenomenon that excessive light radiation has adverse effects on human living and working environment. The choice should be based on the installation environment, the glass partition near the curtain wall needs to pay more attention, but the owner should also consider in this partition, the installation of blinds or external hanging curtains.
      In terms of safety and fire prevention. At present, many high-rise office buildings use Jinan glass partition in order to reduce their weight, improve office efficiency and beautiful interior decoration. In order to better prevent the occurrence of such safety accidents, in the selection of glass should choose steel aluminum structure and fire safety glass composition of fire glass partition.
      From the point of view of building energy conservation. Glass partition wall can reduce the use of a large amount of steel and concrete in the traditional concrete exterior wall, reduce the use of high energy consumption building materials, saving energy resources has a great help; However, as the internal and external structure of the building, the thermal insulation performance of the glass partition wall is far less than that of the traditional wall, which is 5 times of the heat loss rate of the traditional wall. Energy consumption accounts for about 40% of the entire building energy consumption, so partition wall energy saving plays an extremely important role in China's public building design energy saving.
      When choosing vitreous partition, should ask what glass manufacturer uses, what safety problem, ask them to be in the contract or list the promise or the glass that naming place uses, come so, even if have a problem, also be basis. If you need anything, please feel free to contact us at www.traneyx.com.cn.



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