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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2021-08-11
    The office is an abstract secondary performance of a company. When we decorate the double glass shutter partition, we not only ensure the applicability and safety, but also show the company's enterprise civilization. Therefore, different companies choose different styles when they decorate the double glass shutter partition of Jinan shutter partition profile manufacturer, Nowadays, the popular style of partition market is: simple and low-key. It is a brief decoration of the office. This style emphasizes applicability and safety. There are no special requirements for the rest. It is made of ordinary stainless steel double glass shutter partition or aluminum magnesium alloy double glass shutter partition, which is relatively cost-effective. Generally applicable to small companies and offices.
    Fashionable and avant-garde. Fluent appearance, extensive use of lines, decorating all corners with animals, making changes in a small space through the use of light and shadow. Aluminum magnesium alloy double glass shutter partition series and mobile partition series products are widely used. They belong to medium and low-grade double glass shutter partition products, which are more practical for small and medium-sized enterprises.
    Trendy and enthusiastic. The geometric pattern is used as the design element, the brightness is compared fiercely, and the old decoration materials are used. Most of the materials are frosted double glass shutter partition or double glass shutter partition series products, which are applicable to the emerging computer information industry, media industry and art exhibition. The appearance is simple, the materials are simple, and the original characteristics are emphasized. It is unique in appearance. Suitable for arts and crafts companies.
    Steady orthodoxy. Choosing this style of decoration is generally some large state-owned enterprises compared with old brands. From the perspective of decoration characteristics, the color is stable, the appearance is radical, square and upright, the material selection is exquisite, and the temperament is noble.
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