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  • 您好,歡迎訪問濟(jì)南凱軒鵬宇玻璃有限公司 網(wǎng)站





    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-01-26
    What should Jinan KFC door manufacturer do if the switch makes a creaking sound:
    1. If not adjusted, waxing between the door frame and door panel of KFC door can reduce the noise, but it should be waxed again after half a year.
    2. If there is no sound when installing the new KFC door, there will be sound after using it for a period of time. It may be that the door panel is opened too large when opening the door, and the angle between the hinge and the door panel is deformed. The adjustment method is to open the door, insert the screwdriver into the large gap between the lower end of the hinge and the door frame, and then close the door slowly. Because the screwdriver is stuck in the gap, the angle between the hinge and the door panel will change. Be careful not to use too much force.
    3. Adjust the adjustable hinge, loosen the five small screws of the hinge and turn the eccentric screw in the middle. If the gap is not enough, you can put something between the door panel and the door frame. After adjustment, pull it out. It can be adjusted after several times. It is recommended that all screws be tightened.
    Causes and adjustment methods of abnormal noise at KFC gate
    If the abnormality of KFC door exists all the time, it indicates that there is foreign matter in the door shaft all the time. If maintenance is not carried out for a long time, the door shaft will be deformed and the use of the door will be affected.
    In fact, Jinan KFC door has problems when it is opened and closed. It can be basically judged that it is caused by the lack of lubrication of the door shaft. Waxing between the door frame and the door panel can reduce the noise, but it needs to be waxed again after half a year.
    If there is no sound when installing the new KFC door, there will be sound after using it for a period of time. It may be that the door panel is opened too large when opening the door, and the angle between the hinge and the door panel is deformed. The adjustment method is to open the door, insert the screwdriver into the large gap between the lower end of the hinge and the door frame, and then close the door slowly. Because the screwdriver is stuck in the gap, the angle between the hinge and the door panel will change. Be careful not to use too much force.



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