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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021-12-27
    The maintenance of glass partition should not only pay attention to the precautions in the decoration process, but also pay attention to the follow-up maintenance and maintenance, so as to increase the service life of the partition and avoid the inconvenience caused by maintenance. For the maintenance of the partition, pay attention to the protection of the partition when installing the partition, and fix it firmly to prevent the partition from being scratched during construction. When transporting the partition, take care not to damage the partition.
    In daily use, keep the partition clean and tidy, do not hang articles on the partition, and clean the partition surface regularly or unevenly. The partition of wooden materials shall also pay attention to waterproof and moisture-proof measures to avoid partition damage caused by wood decay. Avoid squeezing or striking the partition with heavy objects to prevent instability and movement of the partition. Do not let the glue dry or lose viscosity. Pay special attention to the sealing effect to prevent water or dust from falling into the hollow part, resulting in partition dyeing and difficult to remove.
    1. Do not directly cut, cut or knock the outer surface of the high partition wall with sharp tools to avoid leaving scratches, cracks and holes on the outer surface.
    2. Except cloth panels, other standard panels can be cleaned. Do not use disinfectants with abrasive or strong acid to avoid damaging the appearance.
    3. Dirt - cleaning advocates the elimination or reduction of dirt. Use disinfectants or other mild disinfectants. Absorb the disinfectant with a soft, slightly damp cloth and rinse with water.
    4. The adhesive strip is the key to ensure the sealing, sound insulation and waterproof of 4D aluminum alloy glass. If it falls off, it must be repaired and replaced in time.
    5. Aluminum alloy glass partition can be scrubbed with soft cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent. Do not use general soap, washing powder, decontamination powder, toilet cleaner and other strong acid-base disinfectants.
    6. Aluminum alloy glass partition shall be gently pushed and pulled during use, and the push and pull shall be carried out according to the installation method.
    7. The crud deformation of aluminum alloy glass partition is the main reason for the aging of aluminum alloy partition. The hygiene of aluminum alloy, especially the hygiene of splicing, should be respected. A vacuum cleaner can be used to remove dust accumulated in the oil tank and rubber strips.
    The above is the main content shared by Jinan glass partition. Please continue to pay attention to us for more wonderful content: http://www.traneyx.com.cn



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