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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2021-06-23
      Office glass partition for our friends after decoration should be quite familiar with the office infrastructure project. Generally, we call it stainless steel glass partition, including glass door, glass partition and so on. Office glass partition provides us with private space and free space, so that we can work harder and create greater benefits for the company.
      The glass body plays an important role in transparent and bright, expanding space performance, and becomes the first choice for installing partition in waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-corrosion and other aspects. Should know, when looking for the glass partition installation company, must consider the glass style and texture, imagine its collocation style. In terms of people's psychological role, from the optical point of view, most of the glass should belong to the cold light system, which is applied to the simple and bright decoration style, and it will be more beautiful and atmospheric when combined with heavy office equipment.
      In addition, there is a kind of isolation glue mirror isolation, this kind of mirror space is very strong, can reflect a variety of different reflected scenery, want to play the game install isolation mirror is better. There are special facilities.
      Our company's office glass partition will create an atmosphere and comfortable office environment for the enterprise. With the rapid development of science and technology, its function will be more humanized and bring good benefits to the enterprise.
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