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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2021-09-25
    Jinan glass door is a product with good light transmittance, but some friends reported that the glass door is prone to mildew after a period of use. Do you know the reason for the mildew on the glass door? How to quickly clean the mildew from the glass? Do you know the specific method? Next, let's have a look!
    1、 First, let's look at the causes of mildew on the surface of glass doors
    The molding of Jinan glass door is an industrial problem. The main reason for mildew is that there are some alkali metal ions in the glass production process. In order to reduce the cost, soda ash is selected as the flux in the process of preparing glass products by traditional melting method, which leads to the easy weathering of glass products under certain conditions (commonly known as mold). Glass forming (also known as alkali proof) is a chemical reaction caused by long storage time or wet weather.
    Under the sunlight, rainbow, mold, watermark, mimeograph, paper grain and so on will appear on its surface. The molding of glass on the door usually takes place on the air surface (upper surface) of float glass, because the lower surface of float glass contacts with tin liquid, and a thin layer of tin permeates the surface to protect the glass.
    2、 Jinan glass door surface mildew how to remove?
    1. Adjust the ratio of hydrofluoric acid (HF) to water 1:8 and wipe the glass. Note: be sure to prevent corrosion. The skin must not contact HF, otherwise it will be seriously corroded! After wiping the glass, wipe it again with clean water, and then dry the glass.
    2. Wipe with hydrofluoric acid (HF), pay attention to the ratio of 1 to 8, and easily remove the glass mold.
    The moldy glass door in Jinan is mainly due to the problem of its storage environment. It is normal to have moldy spots after a long time of wind and rain. When we use it, we can maintain and clean it well. The above contents have also been summarized in detail for you. You can refer to the application



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